Holy Thursday

Main Events

Last Supper events are found in John chapters 13-16. They are solemn and sacred: One of you will betray me. Lord, Is it I? First Sacrament; Washing of the Feet; Discourse at the Last Supper; Sing a Hymn prior to walk to Gethsemane; Walk to Gethsemane

Gethsemane:  Prayer; Jesus asks the Father if is possible the bitter cup be removed; Disciples fall asleep; Angel comes to strengthen Jesus; Betrayal by Judas and arrest; Peter cuts off the ear of Malchus who is then healed by Jesus; Disciples flee

Palace of Caiaphas: Trial with Caiaphas and chief priests (Jewish authorities) including mocking, slapping, spitting on; Peter denies Jesus 3x before the cock crows (Friday morning)

If you are looking for tips on commemorating the Last Supper see this post.