Easter Recipes

Just like at Christmas time we may have favorite recipes just for that time of year, Easter can be the same way. If you are looking for food that has religious meaning, then eating broiled fish and honeycomb on Sunday afternoon can remind us of what Jesus ate when he appeared to his disciples Sunday evening. Luke 24: 41-43 “and while they yet believed not for joy, and wondered, he said unto them, Have ye here any meat? And they gave him a piece of a broiled fish, and of an honeycomb. And he took it, and did eat before them.”

Incorporating broiled fish and honeycomb as part of your Easter food allows for a good time to talk about how Jesus wanted his disciples to really know His was a resurrected body, that He wasn’t a spirit. In our house, I often will make fish as part of the meal and if I can’t find honeycomb at a health food store, or I don’t want to spend the money on it, I will just serve it with a bowl of honey.

Other food that can be unique to Holy Week is Passover food and Mediterranean style food. This may mean hummus, pita, grapes, cheeses, dried apricots and lentil soup. The Joe and Janet Hale’s Easter book has some practical recipe and meal ideas. Here is a lentil soup recipe but there are many options online. It is obviously easiest to just buy pita bread as your unleavened bread or it can be made at home or use matzah crackers. Here is a tip I learned the hard way: even though probably dark grape juice was used at the Last Supper, we have been much happier serving white grape juice when spills are likely.

In many places and cultures people fast (go without food or water for 2 meals) on Good Friday and you may want to incorporate fasting as part of your holy week commemorations.

Hot Cross Buns are also a Good Friday food. Here is one recipe, one from Oh, Sweet Basil! and this site shares that one tradition is the spices used in hot cross buns represent the spices brought to the tomb by the women.

Crown of thorns snack idea; Easter Story cookies; Easter story snack mix great for younger kids

Here are two recipes just for fun that remind us of the sweetness Jesus’ life brings! Spring salad and eclair cake

Here is a google doc with a compilation of Easter recipes and it includes recipes from other countries. Thank you Elkridge stake for sharing!

There are many versions of Resurrection Rolls (its a basic roll that cooks with a marshmallow inside so it’s hollow like the empty tomb). Here is one simple take using Pillsbury dough.

Holy Week

Events of Holy Week are found in almost 40% of the entire Gospel of John! Each Gospel writer differs slightly in their details of Holy Week; the outline below is a common view of the days of Holy Week. I came up with the word for each day and the title of Jesus; it’s one way to remind us of the many titles of Jesus.

TITLE of Jesus, basic timeline of events, ONE WORD, a couple words & one
scriptural phrase for each day of HOLY WEE

Palm Sunday– King of Israel. Jesus enters Jerusalem. HOSANNA!  (Praise, King) “Blessed is he …. who cometh in the name of the Lord (Mark 11:10)”

Monday – Son of God. Jesus cleanses the temple and curses the fig tree. CLEANSE (Temple, hypocrisy) “My house…is a house a prayer (Mark 11:17)”

Teaching Tuesday – Bridegroom. Jesus teaches in parables. WATCH (Prepare, Seek after) “Ye know me not (Matt 25:11)”

Spy Wednesday/Anointing Wednesday – Anointed One. Jesus is anointed by a woman prior to his burial. Jesus praises her. The chief priests and Judas make a plan for Jesus’ arrest. ANOINT (Betray, compassion) “She hath done what she could (Mark 14:8)”

Maundy Thursday – Servant Leader. Jesus introduces the First Sacrament, eats the Last Supper, washes disciples’ feet, teaches, sings a hymn, enters Gethsemane, asks that the bitter cup be removed, prays in agony, strengthened by an angel, betrayed by Judas, arrested, trial before Caiaphas and Jewish leaders. REMEMBER (Eat, Serve) “Remember me in this hour (Mark 14:24)”

Good/Holy/Atoning Friday – Atoning Sacrifice. Jesus is denied by Peter before the sunrise. Jesus is tried before Pilate and Herod. Barabbas set free, Jesus is whipped, mocked, carries the cross, nailed to the cross, hangs on the cross for 6 hours; 3 hours of darkness, says his 7 last statements on the cross; earthquake; graves open; veil torn in two; Centurion proclaims Jesus is the Son of God; Joseph of Arimathea offers his empty tomb, Nicodemus brings 75 lbs of aloes and myrrh. Women at the cross watch where Jesus body is laid. ATONE (Mocking, Calvary) “It is finished (John 19:30)”

Saturday – Mediator. Jesus body lays in the tomb. Women rest and prepare spices. WAIT (Rested, Prepared) “Prepared…and rested (Luke 23:56)”

Easter Sunday – Risen Lord. Earthquake, Angels come, Roman guards flee; Women run to the tomb very early in the morning bringing the spices they had prepared; Angels declare “He is Risen” go and tell the others. Jesus appears to the Mary Magdalene and the other Mary, to Peter, to the 2 disciples on the road to Emmaus; to the disciples behind closed doors in the evening and eats fish and honeycomb with them. HALLELUJAH! (Risen, Angel) “He is Risen!  Go and tell! (Mark 16:6,7)”

 PDF one page print out of the TITLE of Jesus and one word for each day of holy week above. Enjoy! 

Sister Amy Wright’s 2024 Instagram posts for each day of Holy Week

Here is a PowerPoint file I use to teach about Holy Week. You are welcome to use it (note-it is a very large file!) It highlights events from Palm Sunday to Thursday of Holy Week and includes ideas to help our families learn and feel the scriptural accounts. See my Good Friday page for a ppt just on Good Friday.

Elder Stevenson also said, “I observe a growing effort among Latter-day Saints toward a more Christ-centered Easter. This includes a greater and more thoughtful recognition of Palm Sunday and Good Friday as practiced by some of our Christian cousins. We might also adopt appropriate Christ centered Easter traditions found in the cultures and practices of countries worldwide” (The Greatest Easter Story Ever Told, Liahona, May 2023)

For more ideas on Celebrating a Christ-Centered Easter see this Easter page.