Devotional Lesson Plan & teaching ideas for Good Friday

  1. Show an image of a heart – Ask –what does this symbol make us think of?  Show an image of a cross and say: for many the cross is a symbol of the Savior’s love for us. Jesus said his greatest act of love for us was giving his life for us, dying for our sins.
  1. Use the senses – Seeing, touching, or tasting objects related to the Crucifixion can be helpful, especially for children, in remembering the events of Good Friday. For example, making or holding a crown of thorns from , carrying a heavy beam, handling a long nail, or tasting vinegar could connect participants with the events of Good Friday.

Use the list of objects as a way to talk about the events of Good Friday and this timeline.

  1. Visuals – Dress up as people of Good Friday (see list of people below) Reader’s theater script and use the objects of Good Friday including purple Fabric or Paper representing the veil of the temple. Tear it in half and talk about the meaning of the temple being torn in two at the death of Jesus– that because Jesus died for us, we are able to enter God’s presence.
  2. Display the seven final statements of Jesus in the shape of a cross, or have them as part of your table decor, or make them into a paper book for little ones.

Watch this Video on the significance of the seven final statements and the discuss which statement is most meaningful to each person

  1. Engage with the events of Good Friday in music, film or art. 

The gospel of John movie , It is 3 hours and is word for word from the gospel of John. Because it is so long I like to watch it on multiple days.

Or a short video on crucifixion

  1. Attend worship services.
  2. End with Good Friday celebratory food if you are not fasting. Many Christians fast on Good Friday. If you have younger children you may like to make sugar cookies or bread in the shape of a cross or heart, or both. Crosses and hearts together can help us connect Jesus’ death with his love.  A tradition in other countries is Hot Cross Buns.